Wednesday, November 13, 2013

LandSlide! Ready to go for's contest for November.

I have placed an oldie but a goodie on  This game was fleshed out back when I was in middle school.  Ben Johns and Dan Trombley, two friends of mine, beta tested this every morning with me from 5th grade on until we were driving cars and no longer needed stimulation for bus rides.

THe premise is to play all of your cards before everyone else.  The trick is that you can only play one card at a time lower than the card on the top of the pile, and if you play a card, it is not guaranteed that this card will stay there.  The next player may give those cards back to you, and then some.  If you are not careful, you might go from having just one card, to taking the whole pile.  It is a game of table talk, of trickery.  It's rules are simple, but from those rules, a complex and rich strategy experience emerges.  It is one of my favorites.  If you have anything to say about it, please send me an Email at

Monday, November 4, 2013

Se7enDIEse7 is ready in!

I have put the final gloss on the first Riverleaf Designs game on
     -Changed the rules to be 4 cards instead of 5 cards to win
     -Updated a rule that would cause confusion
     -Added a scorecard and a box with a classy action shot on it (woo)

In the next few months I expect to get a Google Sites Site running where I will try to showcase the games I am developing.  One is a card game that I have been developing since I was in the 3rd grade...  Seriously.  LandSlide will be submitted for a contest to create a small Tuck Box game.  Until then, there is also Meteor 55, a few Hextile games that I was working on (They never could be made under budget for the contest, but I like the games, so I think those will be published as well.)  PsiMaTek Ops will be a long term project, and once I have a few things that I can give out for the Kickstarter, we can start making a legitimate project out of my cardgame.