Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Game in the works, hopefully part of a series of Cyberpunk Dystopia games to be created on

In the future, the world is privately owned by corporationsThese corporations own resources, land, and technology and each person is born into debt under one of these governing corporations.  The global market and global government has dissolved and a sort of corporate feudalism reigns as the most prominent form of rule.  This new era was given the designation Post Orchestra de Neronibus,or PON. 

In order to protect the holdings of the corporations, they employ security companies which are now more mobile armies than security guards and system installers, protecting assets and keeping their indebted employees in line.  This is an age of relentless expansion across the world and beyond, where security companies can be rewarded for their audacity and cunning, and where a lower stock value might spell the end of the lives of all of your security agents, not just a bad bottom line. the year 200 PON, this is the story of one such security company, who endowed those in their employ with superhuman psychic powers.  
I have dropped a bit of pre-writing for a story I want to tell using games.  The first game in the series is a deck building game called PSiMaTEK Ops.  PsiMaTEK stands for Psionic Manipulation of the Temporal Electromagnetic and Kinetic.

Every player starts with a deck of resource cards.  They can use those cards to build a formidable deck of more resources and skills that allows the player to complete marks with custom dice depending on what skills are being used.  However, during the course of the game, the player also accumulates negative "trauma" effects that affect how successful a check against a mark is going to be.  The player with the most Evaluator favor (Eval) wins, and the other characters in the game get sent to the Vault.  It is a dark setting of Cyberpunk intrigue, global rebellion and war, and corporate and military espionage.  Think Ascension on Snow Crash and Blade Runner.  More about the specifics of the game in later posts, it's late guys.

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